For the first time in my journalistic career, I was denied an interview by a Mt. SAC player.
I was covering a men's soccer game and this guy had a pretty good game. I got ahold of him and asked for an interview and he went all Beckham and released his inner diva, telling me he doesn't do interviews.
Who is this guy? Cristiano Ronaldo?
I won't name names becuase I'm not in the business of throwing people under a bus. And don't think the guy pictured above is the guy, I got the pic off of in a Men's soccer article.
At first I thought he was being a little shy, so I asked if I could at least answer one question. His teamates playfully grabbed him and told him to do it, but he denied and ran into the locker room.
The guys won. He was a big part of the victory and He didn't even give me a "We played great as a team" or anything.
I've had players from opposing teams deny me an interview after Mt. SAC just spanked them. I've had assistant coaches almost tackle me, thinking I'm going to write something horrible about a player. I even had the Joe Montana incident. (Click on my "Meeting the Montanas" entry if you don't know what I'm talking about) This however was a totally different story.
The Mt. SAC players have always been great to the Mountaineer and even the shy ones have given me something to work with as far as quotes. Some players who crave attention even playfully hassle me for an interivew.
Not everyone is going to feel comfortable answering the media, but it's not like I'm paparazzi!
I later found out the guy came out of my city. I got snubbed by a guy who probably lives a block away from me. Maybe I'll see him at a Mc Donald's or something and ask him why he didn't want to talk. Hopefully he'll answer.
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