Yesterday was the first day of the So. Cal. Journalism Association of Community Colleges (JACC) convention. This a convention, which is being held in Cal State Fullerton this year, where journalists from community colleges around Southern California get together for several workshops and competitions held during the day.
There are writing competitions, as well as photography, layout, cartoons- all things journalism.
I competed in the on-the-spot sports writing competition where we covered a cross country meet hosted by CSF.
Two journalists from each college attending the convention compete, watch the meet, interview atheltes and coaches and get put into a little conference room where they have an hour to write their story.
Competitions like this were held throughout the day and tonight winners will be announced and awards will be given.
It is crazy being in a place were hundreds of students share the same journalistic passion that you do. You get to meet new people, hear them talk and get a sense of their style.
I was pretty chill during my competition. I've covered cross country a couple times and know you can't chase the runners around for 20 minutes, but it was kind of funny watching others who obviously never covered the sport before, run around confused, not knowing where they should be, looking for an edge in a sport where you just kinda have to wait for them to finish. But all that running around is passion. I felt the same way the first time I covered a meet. It was great to see that type of energy and feeling of the unknown. Luckily Mt. SAC has prepared me for such events like these becuase even though I can't always cover everything, I've tried to cover each sport at least once for the experience and Mt. SAC provides several great sports.
Tonight will be the moment of truth. We walked away with a record number of awards last year. For us, this is our playoffs. We WANT to win. I know we'll all do well and I pray that I did as well.
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