Even though it seems that a team is going to be transferred to L.A. once the stadium is built in City of Industry, there's probably going to have to be a name change. You can't really root for a team named the L.A. Vikings or L.A. Jaguars so here are a few suggestions that fit the L.A. mold.
5. The L.A. Beach Bums
This name fits perfectly with the L.A. lifestyle. It's always sunny and people are always hitting the beaches and we love letting people know about it. What better way of letting people in the Midwest know their weather sucks than having our team head over there and with a surfboard as a logo.
4. The L.A. Plastic Surgeons
Again, this is a major part of L.A. culture. It's pure Hollywood style and our slogan could be, "We'll rearrange your face!"
3. The L.A. Immigrants
Our country was founded on immigrants and L.A. takes pride in statistics that show how high our immigration rate is. How great would it be to travel to racist cities with this name? (Oops. I mean; racism doesn't exist anymore.)
2. The L.A. Debt
We love spending what we don't have here in L.A. and while this stadium might actually help jumpstart our economy, we'll probably find a way to screw it up again in about 10 years. We're known for our billion dollar debts and there are even commercials all over the place about credit card debt in California becuase it's the norm. "The L.A. Debt: We'll put a hole in your wallet and your helmet!"
1. The L.A. Unoriginals
In the land where remakes make millions and everyone thinks they're original, we're not. And whatever the team is named will most likely be taken from something else and people will criticize it. Might as well call them the Unoriginals, it's the most original name we could use.
Mountie sports, but not exclusively.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Pacquiao calls out Mayweather
"I don't think it's going to happen. I'm sure he doesn't want to fight."
Them's fightin' words! Fighting words from the pound-for-pound champion Manny Pacquiao. Now will Mayweather strike back with fighting words or bail like he always does by saying he only fights where there's money. There comes a point when he'll be forced to fight the best and not wait for them to get old.
Mayweather showed a lot in his last fight when he overpowered Marquez, but that's not the fight everyone wants to see.
Everyone wants to see him fight Pacquiao or Sugar Shane Mosley.
The saddest thing about Pacquiao's quote is that it's probably true.
Pacquiao is fighting top-of-the-line boxers and everyone has been drooling at the thought of seeing him face-off against Mayweather. Pacquiao knows his responsibility as an entertainer. Mayweather is much bigger and it's very likely he'll overpower Pacquiao as well and Pacquiao knows that, but he also knows what the people want to see. As an entertainer he wants to provide an amazing fight, not just dodge punches for 12 rounds, take his money and go home.
Mosley called out Mayweather in his own match. Heent right up to his face and made him look like a punk. Now Pacquiao's calling him out. It's Mayweather's move. He has to fight one of them.
Mayweather is going to have to step up eventually and really earn a pound-for-pound title. It's your move "Money."
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Lenore Moreno is motivated by long-distance success

Her success in running has not been by accident. Through support around her, motivation and mental toughness, Lenore Moreno, a kinesiology major, found the formula to shoot herself to the top of her craft.
The second-year cross country athlete competes in a sport where there is always someone either in front or behind her, but regardless of her position she knows exactly what to do to push herself to the limit.
Moreno runs for both the Mt. SAC cross country and track-and-field teams, two physically demanding sports where every second counts and even when pain sets in, slowing down can be costly.
“The biggest challenge is to be able to push yourself even when you’re hurting,” women’s cross country head coach Doug Todd said. “I think you have to go into it ready to say, ‘ok I’m going to hurt for a while. I’m going to be uncomfortable for a while, but I have to keep running and I have to push anyway.’”
Moreno has learned just that and has assumed the role of team-leader for the Mounties cross country team this semester. She has consistently finished in the top 5 in her races this season and that very consistency is a key that Todd said has helped lead to her success.
“I don’t think a lot of athletes realize how important it is to show up every day for good things to happen, and she shows up every day,” Todd said. “Unless the bone’s stickin’ through the skin, she’s coming to practice.”
Todd said Moreno has a tremendous work ethic and the progress she makes every day will add up and helps make her stronger. He called it a “long constant fight” every day that she strives to try to get better. She shows up every day to work hard and it is a concept that sounds simple, but not everyone can do it, he said.

"They can’t help but emulate her work ethic, Todd said. “Everybody out here wants to be good-wants to get better. Then they see a talented athlete like her and they see her working hard every single day. I think that’s got to rub off.”
Moreno said she finds motivation within her team and does not want to let them down. She said that while running, she thinks about how her teammates are running as well and are feeling the same pain she feels and she has to stay strong for them.
“If anyone ever needs something she’ll be there for you,” teammate Pamela Hernandez, sociology major said. “By her pushing herself, it makes everyone want to push themselves too.”
She also thinks of people who inspire her like former Los Angeles Angels player David Eckstein and legendary runner Steve Prefontaine.
She said Eckstein inspires her because he did not let his size hold him back and also the fact that he has been able to accomplish so much. She said Prefontaine’s life has been such an inspiration that she watches his life story before every meet.
She thinks of all these things during races because having a good frame of mind is important to keep going, she said. Her mentality has helped her in life whether it is in running or in school and knows it will help her in life in the future.

“Without being mentally strong, you can’t really do anything,” she said. “You’re always going to be down on yourself and you’re not going to want to get up and do something.”
Although Moreno finds ways to use everything around her as motivation, the main key to her success can be tracked back to the support she has received from home.
Her influence in sports came from her two older brothers who played baseball and ran, respectively.
She played softball from the time she was four years old up until high school where she decided she loved running more passionately than softball. She said that watching her brothers work hard drove her to work hard as well.
Moreno said her love for running started in middle school after watching her brother compete in meets at the high school level.
“I just liked how it takes a lot of effort to go out there and do all of that,” Moreno said. “I’m usually up for challenges and I was like, ‘I want to try it.’”
Her parents have been the cores of support for her as she said they have always been supportive of her and her brothers’ activity in sports. Coach Todd said he has seen Lenore’s parents at every single meet, home and away no matter how far the meet has been.
“They always cheer for me,” Moreno said. “It’s really good to have that when you run because it pushes you. Makes you go faster.”
Moreno added that her father now runs as well and has gone as far as to read up on books to help coach her.

Moreno is still looking into different schools and has looked into Cal State San Marcos where she hopes to run for U.S. track-and-field Hall of Famer Steve Scott who is the head coach there. She plans to focus on her kinesiology career as she plans to be a physical therapist.
Moreno has already shown that she can keep up with university level runners as in the first race of the season. She placed 34th overall in the Fullerton Invitational where she competed against 212 other competitors from not only community colleges, but a majority of the runners from the university level.
Even as she follows her goal to be a physical therapist, she says she will always be running because she loves it and it will always take stress away.
“I’ll be like one of those old people running on the street,” Moreno said laughing.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Brock Lesnar backs out
UFC just got rid of the Machida vs. Rua commercials and put out the Lesnar vs. Carwin commercials for UFC 106, but president Dana White came out to say that Lesnar will not be able to fight next month due to illness.
Apparently Lesnar has been sick for the last three weeks and hasn't been able to train.
White said that Lesnar told him he has never been as sick as he is now.
Shane Carwin expressed his disappointment through Twitter of course and said he feels Lesnar's pain as he had to battle the H1N1 virus himself. However, Lesnar has not been linked to H1N1 and the illness has yet to be reported.
The event was scheduled for Nov. 21 in Las Vegas and according to Carwin the fight will be postponed until Jan. 2
Hopefully we can kick off the new year right; watching two giant men beat each other to a bloody pulp.
This week in Twitter news: Larry Johnson disses coach Haley
According to ESPN, Larry Johnson tailback of the Kansas City Chiefs made some hateful comments on Twitter directed toward head coach Todd Haley. Can't get ahold of his tweets at the moment but reports say that he threw some F bombs. Not the type of F bombs that your middle school teacher gives you detention for, but F bombs that get GLAAD chasing after you.
What do you know, they are after him. The Gay and Lesbian Alliance want the NFL to punish Johnson for his comments.
Reports say that he used the word "fag" in the tweet and then uttered it again when speaking to reporters allegedly saying, “Get your faggot asses out of here.”
It's a good thing he doesn't play in Cleveland or else Lebron James would have him traded like he did with Braylon Edwards, but something is going to be done for sure. I'll keep you guys posted on whatever happens to Johnson.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Weekly sports rap-up: Oct. 19-25
Thought it might be fun to get a weekly sports rap-up going. This is the first. Leave some constructive feedback please. Here it goes:
The Dodgers and Angels both got eliminated
and we found out Alex Rodriguez is not that overrated
The Dodgers owner fired his own wife as CEO
while Arnold said the L.A. football stadium is a "go"
Richard Seymour predicted playoffs when the radio hosts were teasin'
While the striking NBA refs said they'll be ready for the season
Chad Ochocinco started his own news network
ESPN fired Steve Phillips, maybe OCNN can help him get work
Sam Bradford is NFL-bound after surgery on his shoulder
While the Steelers got to Favre and made him look a little older
A Tennesee upset over Bama was a lock
but the 44-yard field goal was too long and it got blocked
A Phillies, Yankees slugfest is for sure in the World Series
Hope the umps will do their jobs and do away with replay theories
L.A. kept popping up in news for reason that made them look weak
Bad time for L.A. fans, good thing the Lakers start next week
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Vitamin Water and Steve Nash link up
For those of you who haven't seen this Vitamin Water commercial, it is starring Steve Nash and Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson. Just thought it was funny seeing how Steve Nash is the little point guard from Phoenix who you'd probably never think would do this. Enjoy.
This week in Twitter news: OCNN
Chad Ochocinco of the Cincinatti Bengals tweeted that he's going to have his own social networking news system called OCNN.
Ochocinco can and probably will give me all the Twitter news I need for my "This week in Twitter news."
POW-->Esteban and @motomobile announce OCNN!! The worlds first one man social news network,powered by thee MOTOBLUR<----ching ching
about 13 hours ago from MOTOBLUR
OCNN will be providing all news on and off the field,including my own team=no middle man needed,I am the source from now on<---Boom
about 13 hours ago from MOTOBLUR
Junior college journalism: Inside the JACC
Yesterday was the first day of the So. Cal. Journalism Association of Community Colleges (JACC) convention. This a convention, which is being held in Cal State Fullerton this year, where journalists from community colleges around Southern California get together for several workshops and competitions held during the day.
There are writing competitions, as well as photography, layout, cartoons- all things journalism.
I competed in the on-the-spot sports writing competition where we covered a cross country meet hosted by CSF.
Two journalists from each college attending the convention compete, watch the meet, interview atheltes and coaches and get put into a little conference room where they have an hour to write their story.
Competitions like this were held throughout the day and tonight winners will be announced and awards will be given.
It is crazy being in a place were hundreds of students share the same journalistic passion that you do. You get to meet new people, hear them talk and get a sense of their style.
I was pretty chill during my competition. I've covered cross country a couple times and know you can't chase the runners around for 20 minutes, but it was kind of funny watching others who obviously never covered the sport before, run around confused, not knowing where they should be, looking for an edge in a sport where you just kinda have to wait for them to finish. But all that running around is passion. I felt the same way the first time I covered a meet. It was great to see that type of energy and feeling of the unknown. Luckily Mt. SAC has prepared me for such events like these becuase even though I can't always cover everything, I've tried to cover each sport at least once for the experience and Mt. SAC provides several great sports.
Tonight will be the moment of truth. We walked away with a record number of awards last year. For us, this is our playoffs. We WANT to win. I know we'll all do well and I pray that I did as well.
cross country,
inside the JACC,
JACC 2009,
journalism convention
Friday, October 23, 2009
The McCourts: Trouble in Dodger paradise
The day after his team lost to the Phillies, Dodger chairman Frank McCourt fired his wife Jamie McCourt as CEO of the team.
An ESPN report stated that the McCourts are going through a divorce and the team is one of the things in limbo.
Previous reports stated that by Califorina law, the team could end up being community property with each party owing half of all assets acquired during the marriage.
After news of their separation last week, L.A. times reported that Jamie McCourt might try to gather investors and buy out the team.
One tiny ray of light in this situation is that Frank McCourt said that this would not hurt the Dodgers financial means, personnel moves or management.
They can only hope he's right.
Frank McCourt,
Jamie McCourt fired,
McCourt divorce
Thursday, October 22, 2009
L.A. football stadium: The Governator signs
The Associated Press reported that California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Thursday that he signed a bill to allow Majestic Realty Co. to build an NFL football stadium in City of Industry.
The environmental exemption bill, which seemed to be the last hurdle to clear has been approved by Arnold. It's headlining ESPN so after all the road blocks, it seems that this might be it.
I highly doubt that the fight against the stadium by surrounding cities will end, but it really looks like Ed Roski's dream is finally coming to fruition.
I won't believe it until I see it being built for myself (which I probably will try to go check out soon)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Dodger Blues
Oh Dodgers how you've let us down again
I thought you could have won this year with your strong bullpen
But your starters were no match for the homers they reeled
As it looked like they were playing in a little league field
Manny Ramirez picked the wrong time to lay off the juice
As Howard looked guilty of substance abuse
You thought you had beat the best team in the first round
'til the Phillies came to L.A. and smacked you around
Torre decided to bench his All-Star second baseman
As the last out was made by his chubby replacement
Will you ever get it right and put together a great team?
In my 21 years of life it has yet to be seen
Again with the umps
The problem has come up again. Problems with umpires in the MLB. Yesterday was just sad, probably as sad as it has ever been. In the Angels vs. Yankees game there were three really bad and obvious calls made. Calls so bad that umpire Tim McClelland actually made an appearance in the press conference to apologize.
The first call was on a pick-off attempt where it seemed that Yankee outfielder Nick Swisher appeared to have been tagged out at second, but was called safe. That happens a lot, so not that big of a deal.
The second questionable call was when Swisher was at third base and tagged on a fly-ball to center field. He made it safely and after the whole Angel team complained, he was called out for leaving third too early when footage showed otherwise. Again, that happens too, but it cost the Yankees a run.
The last call was just ridiculous when Jorge Posada was chased back to third base by Angels catcher Mike Napoli and was awkwardly met there by teammate Robinson Cano (pictured above). Not knowing what to do, both Yankees just stood there, none on the base while Napoli tagged them both out. However, umpire Tim McClelland called only Posada out as after the game he admitted that he assumed Cano was on the base. He gave Cano too much credit.
I wasn't even upset at these calls, I actually felt bad for the umpires. We can only catch so much as humans, and 95 percent of the time the umps get the calls right. It's that 5 percent that's so critical.
I'm usually against the incorporation of replay in baseball, but Mike Golic made a pretty good point this morning. Golic made the point that baseball already runs between three and three-and-a-half hours. Taking an extra 10 minutes to get a call right really wouldn't take away from the game.
He's pretty right. There are so many stops in baseball already, it wouldn't mess with the flow of the game. The way I see it, the 10 minutes that it would take Lou Pinella to argue and get kicked out of a game, could be used to see a quick replay and make the correct call.
I've always been in favor of the human error, it makes the game interesting and gives good stories with controversy, but I'm starting to come around to the idea of replay.
It was sad to watch the umpire have to apologize. Something will be done soon, almost guaranteed.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
This week in Twitter news: Durant strikes back
Oklahoma City Thunder start Kevin Durant tweeted back to an analysis ESPN's Henry Abbott made when he pulled out some random statistic about the Thunder being a better team when Durant is on the bench. Durant just defended himself, didn't throw back anything negative toward Abbot, but it's funny how fast media is changing and how quickly athletes can publicly respond to things like this.
I just hope Durant understands that Abbott himself probably knows that it was a bogus statistic, but he gets paid to talk about random statistics that are wrong half the time. I also hope that Durant doesn't take every criticism to heart unless he's like MJ and uses every little thing as motivation which in that case it's all the better to fuel his fire.
Henry Abbott,
Kevin Durant,
This week in twitter news,
Inside the Locker room
This is a great story written by ESPN columnist Rick Reilly. He writes about times he's awkward interviews with half-naked athletes. I can personally attest to the awkwardness that comes with the journalist title and as always, thought this was a funny story. Check it out:
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
2-day sports drought!
The Blue Demon? This is one of the Top stories on ESPN today
Tonight's sports schedule: Boise St. vs. Tulsa.
That's it.
In one of the best months in sports where football, baseball and basketball all come into play, none of them played last night and will not play tonight either.
It was such a great weekend for sports; college football was great, the baseball playoffs were exciting and they all clinched and Monday night football was last-possession game. We even got a glimpse of the Lakers in preseason, but after Monday Night Football there's been nothing.
I was basically forced to watch UFC replays all night becuase that was all that was on last night.
Why has there been nothing to watch these last two days? We're in the thick of the playoffs and they're basically getting almost a week off now! I'm sure the players don't mind the rest, but it's a borderline vacation. Thanks again to TBS' tv scheduling, it seems that the game days are concrete whether they go the distance or it's a sweep.
ESPN has had to do some actual reporting becuase there has been no games, but even then it looks like they're scramblling. After they're done talking about John Wooden's 99th birthday, Charlie Davies' car crash, and Rush Limbaugh trying to buy the Rams they've been showing lame youtube videos and are previewing NFL games on a Wednesday.
Even the MLB Network doesn't know what to do. There are two games this week and it seems they're overanalyzing their former analyses which they had already overanlyzed. They're even trying to talk about next year to fill space. The LCS haven't even started and they're trying to talk about next year. The teams themselves aren't even thinking about next year and the analysts are supposed to convince us that they think they know what's going to happen?
Watch Boise State tonight if you want, but I suggest you look for a good movie or dare i say, spend time with your family.
A sports world without games leads to craziness. Good thing the Dodgers play tomorrow.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Refs, officials and umps oh my!
There has been an uproar lately on the mistakes made by the guys who enofrce the laws in the land of sports.
It's been a busy couple weeks in sports and fans and announcers alike have expressed their disbelief in questionable calls made on the fields lately.
Just last night in the NLDS game between the phillies and Rockies had two questionable calls in one play. It seemed that a foul ball hit by Chase Utley from the Phillies ricocheted off his leg, but the play remained live. He then ran to first base where a bang-bang play resulted in him being called safe even though replays showed that he was probably out.
There was also a call in the ALCS involving the Yankees and Twins where a clear fair ball was called foul.
NFL officials have kept out of the limelight for a while, but in tonights Monday Night Football game, there was a questionable pass interference call made. Not to mention the ticky-tack call made on quarterbacks now.
As far as the NBA, they've had so many questionable calls over the years that we've accepted it and say that it's a 'veteran call.' Bad calls in the NBA have become a fixture in the game and no one really makes tha big of a deal anymore.
Human error is an element of the game and although to some it's hard to swallow, it's true.
What will this lead to? Well as scary as it sounds, little-by-little where relying more on technology. How long until we have robotic officials doing games? Think about it; an umpire replaced by a new-age technological robot who has a direct calculation of the location of the pitches. It could very much happen and although sounds impossible right now, it could be an option in the future.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Top 5: MLB players I hope to interview
5. Ichiro Suzuki- I plan to learn Japanese just so I could do an interview with him in Japanese. The purest hitter of this era, truly a pioneer in Japanese baseball.
4. David Ortiz- I'd try to find a way to make players comfortable with talking about the steroid issue. Hopefully it won't be such a big deal in the future and I'd be able to get some truth out of Big Papi.
3. Josh Hamilton- I've seen the documentary and heard the stories, but actually talking to him and listening to him talk about the struggles he wen't through would be an honor.
2. Albert Pujols- Might be one of the greatest players in history someday. I would love to interview him in spanish to complete the trifecta of different languages.
1. Derek Jeter- He's probably the biggest name of my generation and a future hall of famer. I'd love to know how he's kept his private life, private. He's from New York and there is no dirt on him. I'd love to know how he kept his nose clean in a era of curruption.
4. David Ortiz- I'd try to find a way to make players comfortable with talking about the steroid issue. Hopefully it won't be such a big deal in the future and I'd be able to get some truth out of Big Papi.
3. Josh Hamilton- I've seen the documentary and heard the stories, but actually talking to him and listening to him talk about the struggles he wen't through would be an honor.
2. Albert Pujols- Might be one of the greatest players in history someday. I would love to interview him in spanish to complete the trifecta of different languages.
1. Derek Jeter- He's probably the biggest name of my generation and a future hall of famer. I'd love to know how he's kept his private life, private. He's from New York and there is no dirt on him. I'd love to know how he kept his nose clean in a era of curruption.
albert pujols,
david ortiz,
derek jeter,
Ichiro suzuki,
josh hamilton,
Top 5
This week in Twitter news: Ochocinco on fire
Cincinatti Bengals wide receiver Chad Ochocinco seems to be tweeting his end zone celebrations now. On one of his messages this week he posted that he will be reenacting a scene from the movie Talladega Nights: The Legend of Ricky Bobby in tomorrow's game against the Baltimore Ravens.
Which scene exactly? The one featured above where Ricky Bobby's fighting an imaginary fire.
Ochocinco also said he already sent the money he's going to be fined to the NFL through mail.
I can't wait to see what he does, but this is assuming that he's going to be able to score against the Ravens defense.
If Ochocinco's not careful Ray Lewis just might tackle him in the end zone and start beating him senseless to "help put out the fire."
Friday, October 9, 2009
The new NBA refs
I was watching tonight's Laker game on KCAL and got to take a look at some of the new referees that the NBA is using.
For those who don't know, the NBA referees are in a lockout this season as they failed to reach a contract agreement with the NBA.
So basically the NBA is running Scab refs out there like a Ralph's union protest.
It's only preseason, but I kind of like what I see from the refs so far. They're fighting for a full-time job and are not messing around. The players might not like it, but I saw some unusually fair calls.
Kobe Bryant actaully got called for palming the ball (although it could have been called the whole game on everybody)
They weren't letting anyone get away with the wacky calls they usually get. It actually looked like the game was being played according to the rules.
Is it possible that we're going to watch game played the way it was intended? Before the Tim Donaghy scandal and before all the conspiracy theories arose, the game used to be fun to watch. Superstars weren't treated like babies and questionable calls were at a minimum. I really hope we can get back to that.
We'll see what happens once the regular season starts, but I think it's so refreshing to watch a game and real foul calls are being made instead of the ticky-tack fouls that the old refs used to give to the superstars.
As a Laker fan, I always watch Kobe get hacked and not get a call, so I'm looking to see how many times Kobe goes to the free-throw line this season if the refs actually call the fouls appropriately.
I don't think it's good that the old refs couldn't come to an agreement, but I think I can get used to the new faces.
Kobe Bryant,
new NBA referees,
referees lockout
This is my town

So I think it is safe to say that tonight's Dodger game was by far the best game I have ever been to!
The Dodgers beat out the Ariz.. I mean the St. Louis Cardinals 3-2 in a 9th inning thriller that I can guarantee no one in the stadium, nor anyone who left in the 8th will ever forget.
I went to the 12 inning game where Ethier hit the game winning home run, and although I was only at 8 and a half innings of the historic four home run game, I still want to say this one topped them all!
Dodgers were down 2-1, two outs in the 9th and it was all down to James Loney. He hit a shot to Matt Holiday and the almost deflated until the ball hit Holiday in the nether region and fell to the ground as he did! The Cards want to blame us for waving white towels in the wedding cake that is Dodger Stadium, but we were waving them the whole game so no crying.
Loney got to second and had Juan Pierre run for him, then Casey Blake had a nerve wrecking at-bat where he kept fouling the ball to the backstop before finally earning a walk.
You could feel the electricity in the stadium and everyone had to be thinking, "If you can just get a hit anywhere, pierre will score." and Ronnie Belliard complied to tie the game.
After Russel Martin walked, Mark Loretta came in to pinch hit. At this point I was thinking, "Ok we can probably win this in extra innings." Loretta had different plans as he shot a blooper into center as Blake ran in for the game-winning run.
I've never heard Dodger Stadium so loud. I was screaming my brains out, waving my towel and high fiving everyone within a 10 foot radius! Those who stayed experienced an amazing game. The first Dodger playoff walk-off since Kirk Gibson's historic home run in '88.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The King has spoken
Ok so maybe it was Lebron's doing or maybe the Browns just had enough of his attitude, but one day after reports of Braylon Edwards punching out the promoter at a night club, he is now a New York Jet.
Did Lebron James have anything to do with it? I would love to think so! Braylon messed with the king of Cleveland and he has now been exiled.
So he is now playing in the big city. If he thought he got attention in Cleveland, he is now on a winning team in NEW YORK. He's going to have to be more careful. He has a good team around him now and I bet all the Browns are thinking right now that they should start a war with some more of Lebron's friends.
Good luck to Edwards. Hope he can maximize his potential and maximize my fantasy football team.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Thank You, Baseball
My family and I bought tickets for a Dodgers playoff game but just found out about an hour ago what time the game will be played because we had to wait on the Yankees to decide whether the first round will be played within seven or eight games.
I don't know why the Yankees have this much power, but somehow their decision to play the first round within eight games trickled down to the Dodger game and now the Dodgers will be playing at 3 p.m. instead of the favorable 6:30 p.m.
Thank you again, east coast for making us adjust to your marvelous three-hour-ahead lifestyle.
Thank you, TBS for showing every single first-round game on your network and forcing the Dodger game to adjust to your T.V. availability.
Thank you, Yankees for deciding not to let the Twins have any day of rest for your personal advantage.
Thank you, MLB for having the west coast games be at an unreasonable hour and not letting us know until the day before so we don't have a chance to schedule school or work days around it.
This must be changed. Another stupid MLB rule.
I don't know why the Yankees have this much power, but somehow their decision to play the first round within eight games trickled down to the Dodger game and now the Dodgers will be playing at 3 p.m. instead of the favorable 6:30 p.m.
Thank you again, east coast for making us adjust to your marvelous three-hour-ahead lifestyle.
Thank you, TBS for showing every single first-round game on your network and forcing the Dodger game to adjust to your T.V. availability.
Thank you, Yankees for deciding not to let the Twins have any day of rest for your personal advantage.
Thank you, MLB for having the west coast games be at an unreasonable hour and not letting us know until the day before so we don't have a chance to schedule school or work days around it.
This must be changed. Another stupid MLB rule.
2009 playoffs,
dodgers playoffs 2009,
east coast bias,
Fighting the King's people
So reports on ESPN have been talking about Cleveland Brown wide receiver Braylon Edwards allegedly punching a club promoter in a Cleveland night club. I don't know what it is about football players and night clubs, but maybe they should look for a local bingo tournament to stay out of trouble.
The allegation is harsh enough, but it gets worse. They guy he supposedly punched was Lebron James' friend. Uh Oh. He's messed with the kingdom and just might be exiled. I'm guessing Edwards will not be featured in Bron's new movie coming out unless there's a cheesy rap diss involved.
Anyway, not only was it one of his friends, but the guy supposedly weighs about 130 lbs. So Braylon Edwards punched out Lebron James' 130 lb friend. James was not shy to comment about it either. King James called Edwards out and said there's jealousy on Edwards' part and that punching a 130 lb guy is like punching his son.
Drama in sports. What will happen next? To be continued...
Thursday, October 1, 2009
This week in Twitter news: New Tweeter- Stafon Johnson
I never have a problem with poking fun at Twitter, but a new athlete Tweeter emerged yesterday, and it was not to talk trash, it was not to come out on ESPN and it was not for national attention.
As most of you have heard, Stafon Johnson, star running back of the USC Trojans just had throat surgery on Monday after a 275 lb bar fell on it when working out. Luckily his muscular physique kept him from being choked to death.
Probably the only high-profile athlete in the world not to have a Twitter account, he used Pete Carroll's Twitter to send out a message thanking the people who have supported him.
He is recovering, and while recovering he created an account of his own.
First tweet:
"Thank you every1 4 all the love and support," Johnson said.
He is expected to fully recover after this horrifying event.
For sure this is the good side of Twitter. A heart-warming side of Twitter.
Men's soccer: Mt. Snubbed
For the first time in my journalistic career, I was denied an interview by a Mt. SAC player.
I was covering a men's soccer game and this guy had a pretty good game. I got ahold of him and asked for an interview and he went all Beckham and released his inner diva, telling me he doesn't do interviews.
Who is this guy? Cristiano Ronaldo?
I won't name names becuase I'm not in the business of throwing people under a bus. And don't think the guy pictured above is the guy, I got the pic off of Mountiewire.com in a Men's soccer article.
At first I thought he was being a little shy, so I asked if I could at least answer one question. His teamates playfully grabbed him and told him to do it, but he denied and ran into the locker room.
The guys won. He was a big part of the victory and He didn't even give me a "We played great as a team" or anything.
I've had players from opposing teams deny me an interview after Mt. SAC just spanked them. I've had assistant coaches almost tackle me, thinking I'm going to write something horrible about a player. I even had the Joe Montana incident. (Click on my "Meeting the Montanas" entry if you don't know what I'm talking about) This however was a totally different story.
The Mt. SAC players have always been great to the Mountaineer and even the shy ones have given me something to work with as far as quotes. Some players who crave attention even playfully hassle me for an interivew.
Not everyone is going to feel comfortable answering the media, but it's not like I'm paparazzi!
I later found out the guy came out of my city. I got snubbed by a guy who probably lives a block away from me. Maybe I'll see him at a Mc Donald's or something and ask him why he didn't want to talk. Hopefully he'll answer.
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- Men's soccer: Mt. Snubbed
About Me

- Rochawear
- Former Editor-in-Chief for the Mt. SAC online newspaper, Mountiewire.com. I love all sports, so I'm really going to write about whatever sports topic interests me. If you're looking for stats, look for a stat sheet. If you're looking for game stories, read the Times. This is an interesting perspective on interesting stories. Period.