I wrote an article in the Mountaineer about P.E. cuts at Mt. SAC and although it's happening to all the divisions at Mt. SAC, like athletic director Joe Jennum said, "This one hits closer to home."
Upon meeting me it might not look like I do any type of exercise, but since attending Mt. SAC I've taken a couple basketball courses and weight training as well. I'm glad that P.E. is a required course becuase after leaving high school, my stomach was almost leaving my shirt.
I think I took my high school P.E. classes for granted. Like any other American, I love my double double with animal style fries. I love Tommy's. I love The Hat. If I hadn't been playing baseball and basketball all my life, I'd be on Maury seeking help from a fat camp.
Over the past year I've had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know these Mt. SAC coaches who teach these classes. They all share a passion for athletics. When they're not conditioning their athletes, they're helping average joes like me and you get at least a smidgen of exercise in our unhealthy lifestyles.
It's probably going to get worse before it gets any better, and smaller programs like athletics, like drama, and like JOURNALISM get first dibs on cuts and get hit harder becuase it's not math and science.
It's sad that our economy is this horrible and we're all paying for it somehow or another.
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