Not just Mountie sports
Mountie sports, but not exclusively.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
John Wooden (1910-2010)
Legendary former UCLA basketball coach John Wooden passed away at 6:45 last night. He has passed enough wisdom to shape sports for decades to come. I'm all of 21 years old and my knowledge of Wooden goes as far as a few interviews I saw on TV. His philosophies and wise quotes will probably fill yearbooks until the end of time, and as many reflect and remember him, here is his pyramid of success, a few of his many words to live by.
John Wooden,
john wooden death,
pyramid of success
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Biglow's Big Dreams
With high expectations as a freshman, men’s basketball guard Antonio Biglow helped lead the Mounties to the Southern Calif. Regionals, but as he works hard to improve his game, he has his eyes set on bringing in a California state championship next season.
Biglow, 20, earned several accolades in the 2009-10 season, from South Coast Conference MVP to first-team all-state, but the one award he’s looking forward to getting at Mt. SAC is the 2010-11 state championship ring.
“The only thing floating above my head is the ring,” Biglow said. “I don’t care about the ‘all-conference’ ‘all-tournament MVP’ I don’t care about none of that. Next year I just want the ring. That’s all I want.”
As Biglow eyes the 2010-11 season, this season was anything but a failure as the Mounties went 25-5 and were a last second shot away from the state championships, a shot that Biglow missed in a 71-72 loss.
“I’m still havin’ dreams about it… I’ll have a dream that I made the shot,” Biglow said. “It gets to me, but it don’t really get to me. All of that is behind us now. Now we’re just looking forward to next season.”
Biglow’s success this season did not come by talent alone, the work he put into his training was what translated in the games.
“He’s a kid that’s always in the gym, always working and always getting in extra work and it definitely helped him in terms of skill development,” Mt. SAC head coach Allen Caveness said.
Aside from team practices, Biglow would meet up with assistant coach Criss Freeman for 6 a.m. drills.
“He’s definitely as good as he is because of how hard he works,” Freeman said. “I’ve been here 13 or 14 years and he’s one of the guys with the highest basketball IQs that I’ve coached here,” Freeman added.
Biglow’s training did not end with team practices and 6 a.m. drills; he also had a personal trainer, Edmund “Tiny” Flournoy Sr., whom he still meets with three times a week.
Coach Tiny said that in these training sessions he makes Biglow do NBA-type drills such as shooting NBA-range three-point shots, intense conditioning drills and shooting with his off hand.
“I tell him all the time that he’s a diamond,” Flournoy said. “You know diamonds all have flaws, but with a diamond you can always cut and polish, so he’s in the cutting and polishing process.”
After all that training, Biglow still practices in his free time.
“At 11 o’clock at night, I’ll go shoot again,” Biglow said. “I’ll shoot maybe 100 jump shots, 100 three-point shots, 100 free throws, and then I’ll get home.”
What fuels Biglow to endure all of this training? The simple fact that he needs to work hard to eat.
“That’s how I look at it every day,” Biglow said. “I wake up and I go work out, ‘I gotta eat.’ That’s why I’ll strive for perfection every game.”
Biglow attributes his work ethic to his grandfather, Robert Drew, who taught him to be tough growing up.
“He’s old school,” Biglow said. “Let’s say you want the weeds pulled out of the ground, you’re not gonna use no new technology, you’re gonna use your hands.”
Biglow said his dad, Anthony Biglow, showed him that toughness as well.
Anthony Biglow said his son’s competitiveness came from watching him play, and that his can’t-lose attitude rubbed off on Biglow as well.
“I played to win,” Anthony Biglow said. “I didn’t play to lose… that’s how he plays.”
Biglow’s life changed when the biggest family influence in his life, his grandmother, Ada Drew, passed away. He described her as a mother figure.
“It made me look at the real world even more,” Biglow said. “I talked to her about anything, and she always gave me great advice about everything. It’s not like I could always go back and run to her and talk to her because she’s not here anymore.”
All of his family influences and support have helped him excel and have given him a passion for winning, which has not gone unnoticed by universities. Top NCAA schools such as UCLA, New Mexico State, Boise State and West Virginia University have scouted him. Biglow said this coming season will be important for him as he hopes to create more interest from even more schools.
“It makes me feel good, but at the same time it makes me want to push harder so I can have more schools to choose from, more options instead of just those,” Biglow said.
Caveness brought a professional approach to his team in his first season as Mt. SAC coach and as team leader, Biglow had to harness that professional attitude on the court.
“Him [Biglow] being a point guard, he’s supposed to be an extension of the coaching staff,” Caveness said. “Obviously, the point guard is an intricate part of the success of any team.”
Biglow was not just a leader on the court, he described his team as a family on and off the court as well.
One of Biglow’s goals for last season was to make his teammates better, and Mounties’ forward Kaimyn Pruit said Biglow was able to do that as they were always in sync on the court, but that the expectations for next season are higher.
“We played decent together this year,” Pruit said. “But we’ll play a lot better next year.”
Biglow said he cares more about getting his team a victory than his personal statistics.
“At the end of the day, you can have 100 points with a loss and it’s not gonna mean nothing,” Biglow said. “I’d rather have 25 points with a victory. I’ll take that over anything, any day, or five points with a victory, I’ll take that.”
Biglow feels that next year’s team will be stronger as several teammates will be returning for their sophomore season as they look to win the Calif. state championship.
“If we win the ring, after that I might not come to school no more,” Biglow said jokingly.
After college, he plans on getting into real estate, but the NBA is still in the back of his mind.
“It’s every basketball player’s dream,” Biglow said. “The NBA, that’ll make me work harder. That’s where I wanna get.”
Only time will tell if all his hard work will lead him to play in a top NCAA school, or even the NBA, but if he takes a step forward from last season, a shot at the state championship is in his future.
Photos by Sherazad Shaikh
Allen Caveness,
Antonio Biglow,
Criss Freeman,
Kaimyn Pruit,
Mt. SAC basketball,
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Kornheiser fights a Storm
ESPN suspended Tony Kornheiser the lovable co-host of "PTI" for two weeks for clowning on SportsCenter anchor Hannah Storm last week.
"Hannah Storm in a horrifying, horrifying outfit today," Kornheiser said. "She’s got on red go-go boots and a catholic school plaid skirt … way too short for somebody in her 40s or maybe early 50s by now.
"She’s got on her typically very, very tight shirt. She looks like she has sausage casing wrapping around her upper body … I know she’s very good, and I’m not supposed to be critical of ESPN people, so I won’t … but Hannah Storm … come on now! Stop! What are you doing?"
The nutty old man who dons giant Ms. Cleo prop hats and a goatee begging for Just for Men gel has the audacity to make fun of Hannah Storm? (Hey, I don't work for ESPN. I'll describe him however I want.)
Of course Kornheiser apologized personally. He'll be back with Mike Wilbon in time to rant about March Madness.
"If you put a live microphone in front of somebody, eventually that person will say something wrong," Kornheiser said. "This was one of the times I said something wrong."
I'll keep that quote in mind if I ever do radio.
Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.
Hannah Storm,
Mike Wilbon,
Tony Kornheiser
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Not so broke after all
I know I've used this before, but I love how delightfully awkward this picture looks.
Bunch of thieves.
I feel like it's a circle of crooks. Why, Dodgers, why!
For six years under the McCourts, they have stolen my money with $5 hot dogs, and $6 coke, pocketed $108 million in earnings without having to pay taxes, 45 million of which was stolen by the Manny Ramirez contract, which I help pay for when I overpay to watch him hit legendary pop flies that go straight into the left fielder's glove and buy the hot dogs and coke with money that the McCourts pocketed $108 million of... you get the idea.
Anyway, the L.A. Times reports that the McCourts pocketed $108 million from 2004 through 2009, according to documents Jamie McCourt recently filed in the couple's divorce case in Los Angeles County Superior Court. On that sum, they paid zero federal and state income tax.
"The court papers indicate that the McCourts deliberately structured their business at least partially to allow them to live tax-free," Michael Hiltzik of The Times reported.
It's nice to see sweet success stories where the rich get richer. Since you're keeping all that money, how bout... yeah, why not? The first top 5 of the semester hidden within this blog!
Since it seems you guys are keeping extra change how bout you:
5. Pay Manny Ramirez to leave town
That bum has already said he doesn't plan on staying, get rid of him early. I'm tired of paying for pop flies. I fell for the Mannywood hype too, but I'm tired of him and his ovulation periods. Buy out his contract, you should have enough money from what you're pocketing.
the representative of the Dodgers' 99 problems
4. If there's any money left over, get us a flippin' ACE!
Dodgers haven't had a true Ace since Kevin Brown? I know we haven't had the best of luck with the people like Jason Schmidt, but management needs to grow a pair and finally cough up the money for a big name, you should have enough from what you're pocketing.
3. Better giveaway days
Maybe I'm just jealous because I don't qualify for the 14 and under giveaways, but that's beside the point. Don't judge me, you pocketed my money! Anyway, maybe bat night won't go as smoothly at Dodger Stadium as it does at Angels Stadium, but be creative and give me something good. I'm paying $25 for nosebleeds and $20 for food that should cost about $7 at most. $15 for parking, you can't give me a nice Matt Kemp shirt instead of that cheap cloth I use to clean the table with now. Give us a real souvenir, you should have enough from what you're pocketing.
2. Lower parking
$15 for parking? Seriously? It shouldn't be more that $5. Sure that's an unreal price these days, but does parking really need to be that expensive? Don't call my suggestion stupid, you're stealing my money! You guys should be able to lower the price. You should have enough money from what you're pocketing.
$15 for an hour of traffic in and out of the lot
1. Let Joe Torre run the team
You guys are going through a divorce, you're in no shape to run a professional baseball team. Year after year we've been getting second rate everything. I want to see Torre take a shot at running this team. We have a good, young nucleus, let Torre fill in the rest of the holes. What? Bad idea? Unrealistic? Pay him a little extra to give us a championship, you should have enough from; that's right... the money you're pocketing.
Trying to fool us by running the team like you're broke? I really hope this isn't true because if it is, what a wasted decade.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Short winter recap
The new semester has started at Mt. SAC and while the Mountaineer may have taken the winter off, Mt. SAC sports has been active.
Believe it or not, the basketball season is already over. The Mounties played a whole season already and both the men and women are getting set to make a run at the playoffs.
Rocking the Iverson braids, Antonio Biglow has been leading the men's team (24-4, 8-0 in division play,) scoring like a madman and getting everyone involved. The man has been ballin' and has been a true product of Coach Caveness' system as he always relayed messages of team play and defense at the end of every game.
The women's team had a lot of pressure as Coach Beeman has led them to state title after state title and while they haven't had a dominating season like seasons past, Cecy Cuevas and the Mounties have had a more than stellar season going 22-6 (7-1 within the division) as the first round of the playoffs start this Wednesday.
The baseball and softball seasons have gotten underway, and thanks to some rain delays, there's still plenty of home action to catch for both teams, starting this Wednesday at 6 p.m. as the men make up a rain out game against L.A. Valley. Softball will come back home on Thursday at 3 p.m. against East L.A.
The men's baseball team has started 2-4, but it's still early and it's still baseball so I can't wait to see what Coach Parker's team has to show this year after their crazy playoff run last year as 14th seed.
With both basketball teams in the playoffs, this will be the first time in my time with the Mountaineer that the men will be joining the women. I expect both to go deep as they have been playing strong on both sides all season and have shown they can beat tough teams in close games.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Superbowl Pick, the edited edition
Many of you read my blog yesterday about my Superbowl pick and predictions, but it was written very quickly and I was high on McDonald's sweet tea when I wrote it. This is what I really meant to say... ;)
This one won't be close. It's not going to be a shootout. It's not going to be a hundred point game and the COLTS aren't going to figure out the secret to stopping DREW BREES.
The Saints fans can make all the Manning Voodoo dolls they want and yell, "Who dat?" so they CAN CELEBRATE that DREW BREES is "dat."
Quite frankly the hurricane Katrina angle is getting old. If the Saints win, it will do nothing for those victims. There was an amazing game played on September 25, 2006 where football came back to the city of New Orleans. The city needed a picture of hope and it was given in that game where the Saints beat the Atlanta Falcons 23-3. All their sports teams had to abandon the city due to damages in their respective arenas, but once the Saints came back to the city, it showed that New Orleans was on the way back to being rebuilt.
The city still needs help, but the story tht seems to be getting lost is the one from Colts wide reciever Pierre Garcon, AND JONATHAN VILMA OF THE SAINTS the pride and joy of Haiti. This disaster just happened, why wouldn't success from THEM bring hope to Haiti the way that first game post-Katrina did for New Orleans?
Anyway, I don't buy this whole New Orleans underdog story. Katrina doesn't make the first place Saints underdogs; Peyton Manning does.
How do you find an underdog between two first place teams? By realizing that one player is so good that it tips the scale in his team's favor.
Peyton Manning has a group of the most massive men in front of him who do not let him get hit, Drew Brees doesn't really have that luxury, YET MANNING CHOKED UNDER PRESSURE AND BREES WAS THE ONE WHO CAME OUT SMELLING LIKE ROSES.
Saints put up a lot of points this season, but so did the Colts. I think the game is going to be predictable in accordance to the SAINTS season. The game will be close at first, SAINTS will pull ahead just before the half ends and the COLTS will go into halftime thinking "what the heck just happened?" Saints will come out hot in the second half TRYING TO STUFF IT DOWN THE COLTS' THROATS, AND THE SAINTS will pull away. After the game is out of reach, COLTS will TRY score a cheap touchdown at the end to make the final score respectable, AND MANNING WILL THROW AN INTERCEPTION.
-Manning to Garcon will be said countless times.
-Hurricane Katrina and Haiti will be mentioned every 20 minutes.
-Kim Kardashian will be shown holding a sparkly sign every tim Reggie Bush brings back a kick.
-An old man who looks like Peyton Manning will be shown celebrating in a suite after every Colt touchdawn pass.
-Live footage of people dancing on Bourbon St.
-Commercials of talking babies and hairy footed horses.
-"Who dat" will somehow be linked to The Who through clever wordplay.
-Manning will be dubbed the greatest quarterback by ESPN analysts after the game.
-People calling in sick tomorrow due to massive hangovers and food comas.
-By halftime I will start counting the days 'til baseball season starts.
I knew the Saints were going to win the whole time.
Superbowl 44 pick!
This one won't be close. It's not going to be a shootout. It's not going to be a hundred point game and the Saints aren't going to figure out the secret to stopping Peyton Manning.
The Saints fans can make all the Manning Voodoo dolls they want and yell, "Who dat?" 'til they come to terms that Peyton Manning is "dat."
Quite frankly the hurricane Katrina angle is getting old. If the Saints win, it will do nothing for those victims. There was an amazing game played on September 25, 2006 where football came back to the city of New Orleans. The city needed a picture of hope and it was given in that game where the Saints beat the Atlanta Falcons 23-3. All their sports teams had to abandon the city due to damages in their respective arenas, but once the Saints came back to the city, it showed that New Orleans was on the way back to being rebuilt.
The city still needs help, but the story tht seems to be getting lost is the one from Colts wide reciever Pierre Garcon, the pride and joy of Haiti. This disaster just happened, why wouldn't success from him bring hope to Haiti the way that first game post-Katrina did for New Orleans?
Anyway, I don't buy this whole New Orleans underdog story. Katrina doesn't make the first place Saints underdogs; Peyton Manning does.
Peyton Manning has a group of the most massive men in front of him who do not let him get hit, Drew Brees doesn't really have that luxury.
Saints put up a lot of points this season, but so did the Colts. I think the game is going to be predictable in accordance to the Colts' season. The game will be close at first, Colts will pull ahead just before the half ends and the Saints will go into halftime thinking "what the heck just happened?" Saints will come out hot in the second half to try and make it a game, but Colts will pull away again. After the game is out of reach, Saints will score a cheap touchdown at the end to make the final score respectable.
-Manning to Garcon will be said countless times.
-Hurricane Katrina and Haiti will be mentioned every 20 minutes.
-Kim Kardashian will be shown holding a sparkly sign every tim Reggie Bush brings back a kick.
-An old man who looks like Peyton Manning will be shown celebrating in a suite after every Colt touchdawn pass.
-Live footage of people dancing on Bourbon St.
-Commercials of talking babies and hairy footed horses.
-"Who dat" will somehow be linked to The Who through clever wordplay.
-Manning will be dubbed the greatest quarterback by ESPN analysts after the game.
-People calling in sick tomorrow due to massive hangovers and food comas.
-By halftime I will start counting the days 'til baseball season starts.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Chris Henry dies
Former Bengals' wide receiver Chris Henry, 26, died this morning in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Reports say that Henry fell off of the back of a pick-up truck after what is being called a, "domestic despute."
He was found in the middle of a residential road in Charlotte and was immediately rushed to the hospital.
There were reports early this morning of Henry being on life support and died soon after.
"He was really on of my closest friends," a teary-eyed Bengals' wide receiver Chad Ochocinco said. "I just talked to him on Tuesday to see how he was doing."
Henry was away from the team after breaking his forearm against Baltimore Nov. 8 and having season-ending surgery.
Information from ESPN was used in this report.
Reports say that Henry fell off of the back of a pick-up truck after what is being called a, "domestic despute."
He was found in the middle of a residential road in Charlotte and was immediately rushed to the hospital.
There were reports early this morning of Henry being on life support and died soon after.
"He was really on of my closest friends," a teary-eyed Bengals' wide receiver Chad Ochocinco said. "I just talked to him on Tuesday to see how he was doing."
Henry was away from the team after breaking his forearm against Baltimore Nov. 8 and having season-ending surgery.
Information from ESPN was used in this report.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Allan Iverson retires
Future hall of famer Allan Iverson announced his retirement today. It's sad that no team in the league wanted to pick him up, but it is also sad that he would not accept a lesser role.
He's had a couple of down years due to injury and if he really has anything left in the tank like he claims, he should accept what he is given and show that he can work his way up.
He does deserve the benefit of the doubt, but he shouldn't let his pride get in the way of his career and should work his way up again.
This should not be happening to a star of his caliber. Shame on both the league and Iverson for not being able to agree on some sort of deal.
I want to believe he'll be back, but every team has a young star whom they have a lot of money invested in and are expected to lead their respective teams. Iverson cannot expect to be the first option anymore.
He's had a couple of down years due to injury and if he really has anything left in the tank like he claims, he should accept what he is given and show that he can work his way up.
He does deserve the benefit of the doubt, but he shouldn't let his pride get in the way of his career and should work his way up again.
This should not be happening to a star of his caliber. Shame on both the league and Iverson for not being able to agree on some sort of deal.
I want to believe he'll be back, but every team has a young star whom they have a lot of money invested in and are expected to lead their respective teams. Iverson cannot expect to be the first option anymore.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Stafon Johnson speaks
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Manny vs. Cotto
Manny Pacquiao completely destroyed Miguel Cotto tonight.
Pac Man is a warrior with gloves of steel. He went up against a world class fighter and picked him apart.
From the time Cotto walked out to the ring he didn't have any swagger. He looked focussed but not confident.
Cotto's wife had to take her son out of the arena so he wouldn't see his father getting brutally mistreated.
Cotto was fighting blind. He couldn't see the punches coming. Cotto took the first round and it seemed this was going to be close, but it turned quickly.
Cotto might never be the fighter he was before fighting Antonio Margarito and it's sad because the old Cotto would have made tthis a much more interesting fight.
All that's left is Pacquiao vs. Mayweather.
Make it happen, promoters.
Manny Pacquiao,
miguel cotto,
pacquiao vs. cotto
USC gets smashed again
This time by Stanford. Stanford is the only team since 2001 that has beaten USC at home, they've now done it twice as they ruined USC's BCS title bid in 2007.
The best and most ironic part is that Pete Carroll was upset over Stanford running up the score! He probably said it on purpose, but he knows they deserved every point against them.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has leukemia
NEW YORK -- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is being treated for a rare form of leukemia, and the basketball great said his prognosis is encouraging.
The NBA's all-time leading scorer was diagnosed last December with chronic myeloid leukemia, he told The Associated Press on Monday.
The 62-year-old Abdul-Jabbar said his doctor didn't give any guarantees, but informed him: "You have a very good chance to live your life out and not have to make any drastic changes to your lifestyle."
Abdul-Jabbar is taking an oral medication for the disease. He is a paid spokesman for the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis, which makes a drug that treats the illness.
"I've never been a person to share my private life. But I can help save lives," he said in a midtown Manhattan conference room. "It's incumbent on someone like me to talk about this."
Abdul-Jabbar became concerned last year after feeling odd sensations. He went for tests at UCLA, where he dominated college basketball in the late 1960s, winning three straight NCAA championships from 1967 to 1969.
"I was getting hot flashes and sweats on a regular basis," he said. "That's not normal, even for my age."
An exam showed his white blood cell count was "sky high" and a doctor quickly diagnosed his condition. At first, all Abdul-Jabbar heard was the word "leukemia."
"I was scared," he said. "I thought it was all the same. I thought it could mean I have a month to live."
"That was my first question," he said. "Was I going to make it?"
A longtime student in martial arts, Abdul-Jabbar said he took the approach of a samurai -- to face death without fear.
"I had my face on," he said.
Instead, doctors told him CML was treatable with proper medication and monitoring.
Abdul-Jabbar is a special assistant with the Lakers and said he hasn't had to cut back his level of activity of coaching, change his regimen or adjust his diet. "I'm able to sneak out for Thai food," he said.
"There is hope. This condition can be treated. You can still live a productive, full life," he said. "I'm living proof I can make it."
Abdul-Jabbar recently returned from an academic conference in Abu Dhabi and has several speaking engagements planned. Among the people he regularly talks to about his condition is his son, a third-year medical student at the University of California, San Francisco.
The six-time NBA MVP intends to post updates to his Facebook and Twitter accounts and stay connected through, a Web site for those afflicted by the disease.
About 5,000 cases of CML are expected to be diagnosed in the United States this year, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society said. More than 22,000 people are living in the U.S. with the disease.
The disease tends to initially be diagnosed in people in their mid- to late 60s, and usually affects men more than women.
"I want to spread the word," Abdul-Jabbar said.
Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press
Sunday, November 8, 2009
weekly sports rap-up: Nov. 2 - Nov. 8
This week in sports there seemed to be a lot of tension
The Yankees won the World Series through monetary intervention
Usain Bolt bought a cheetah, which he’ll probably train to race
And people were getting in trouble at a record setting pace
Fans don’t want Larry Johnson to break the rushing record for the Chiefs
Manu caught a bat in the arena and later got a lot of grief
NOW wants Tom Cable fired due to anger he can’t manage
Joe Girardi saved a woman from a car crash’s major damage
The Kings’ Andres Nocioni got a DUI
Tim Lincecum faced some charges cause he got caught getting high
We found out Lesnar has Mono and that’s why he won’t be fighting
Andre Agassi has a new book and poured his soul in writing
The McCourt divorce is lingering and getting very tiring
Iverson won’t play off the bench and is considering retiring
Elizabeth Lambert of New Mexico showed she’s a fighter not a talker
First time since the ’96 Olympics anyone’s cared about women’s soccer
The Yankees won the World Series through monetary intervention
Usain Bolt bought a cheetah, which he’ll probably train to race
And people were getting in trouble at a record setting pace
Fans don’t want Larry Johnson to break the rushing record for the Chiefs
Manu caught a bat in the arena and later got a lot of grief
NOW wants Tom Cable fired due to anger he can’t manage
Joe Girardi saved a woman from a car crash’s major damage
The Kings’ Andres Nocioni got a DUI
Tim Lincecum faced some charges cause he got caught getting high
We found out Lesnar has Mono and that’s why he won’t be fighting
Andre Agassi has a new book and poured his soul in writing
The McCourt divorce is lingering and getting very tiring
Iverson won’t play off the bench and is considering retiring
Elizabeth Lambert of New Mexico showed she’s a fighter not a talker
First time since the ’96 Olympics anyone’s cared about women’s soccer
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Manny's coming back
Manny Ramirez is coming back to L.A. After a long and hard talk with his agent and realizing that no other team is stupid enough to pay $20 million to a steroid using clown who lost his confidence and right to juice.
I can't believe I fell into the Mannywood trap last season. Get him out of town. Let him DH for someone else. Those $20 million could have been spent on Matt Holiday or ANYONE!
He better get it together.
Friday, November 6, 2009
MMA figh- I mean, women's soccer player
I thought the games here at Mt. SAC were vicious. This girl tops it all!
Elizabeth Lambert,
mountain west,
new mexico,
soccer girl fight
Another slow sports day?
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Top 5: Reasons to hate the Yankees
There are tons of reasons to hate the Yankees, but in honor of their 2009 World Series championship, here are my top 5.
5. Fans- Now that they won again, New Yorkers can get on their high horses for a whole year. (Like if New Yorkers really needed THIS to get on their high horses.)
4. Roiders- All is well in Yankeeland. A-Rod and Pettite are the heroes of the World Series! and everyone forgot that they're probably hopped up on the juice. (But who cares, right? They won.)
3. The overrated overdog- Everyone wanted and hoped the Phillies could beat the Yanks. Ryan Howard was swinging like a mad-man, Pedro seemed like a secret weapon, Cole Hammels was going to hit his stride again, and their bats looked better than the Yankees. WISHFUL THINKING! After Cliff Lee, the entire pitching staff was terrible and had been terrible. Pedro is old and had been getting lucky. Hammels was never going to hit his stride because he didn't want to, and their swagger didn't match their game. Yankees exposed them, outcoached them and this could have been avoided if a true underdog would have gotten in and embarrased the Yankees yet again.
2. Thier TV announcer.
1. They bought the championship- Great run. Great season, whatever. They spent a billion dollars to outbid every single team in the league and buy the best players that were available. I know economics is the name of the game, but save it for Monopoly. Any team that can buy whoever they want is a favorite to win and it's that much sweeter when it backfires. For 8 years it backfired for the Yanks; they finally paid enough.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Bolt adopts a baby cheetah
Usain Bolt adopted an abandoned cheetah in Kenya on Monday.
He named the 3-month-old cheetah "Lightning Bolt."
It is only appropriate that the fastest man in the world own the fastest cat in the animal kingdom.
Bolt paid 13,700 to formally adopt the cub and will pay about $3,000 a year for its care as it will raised at an animal orphanage in Nairobi.
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- Rochawear
- Former Editor-in-Chief for the Mt. SAC online newspaper, I love all sports, so I'm really going to write about whatever sports topic interests me. If you're looking for stats, look for a stat sheet. If you're looking for game stories, read the Times. This is an interesting perspective on interesting stories. Period.